Online Documents Available for SDA 4.1


INDEX - List of online documents for SDA programs


This is a list of documents on SDA programs and related topics. These documents are available online in HTML format, for viewing with a browser. They can also be printed out by using the print command in a browser.


Setting up an SDA Web Data Archive

SDA Manager SDA Manager procedures
SDAWEB SDA Web environment for users
Disclosure Specifications to preserve confidentiality
Precision Precision specification for output of results
SDAlog Generate a report of SDA usage
SE Compare Comparison of standard errors with other packages
Updates Changes to SDA since Version 3.5

Defining and Creating SDA Datasets

DDL Data Description Language
ddlmod Modify and merge DDL files
HARC HTML archive specification file
HARCimport Import HARC file into SDA 4 database
Internationalization Using non-English languages in SDA
makesda Generate an SDA dataset

Produce HTML or Printed Codebooks for Data Files

xcodebk Basic documentation for the XCODEBK program
xcodebk-f Summary of formatting instrtuctions used by XCODEBK
xcodebk-k Summary of keywords for XCODEBK command files
WORDmacro Install and use Word macro for codebooks

Analysis Programs - Batch Commands

describe Describe a variable
tables Crosstabulations
means Comparison of means
corrtab Comparison of correlations
correl Correlation matrix
regress Multiple regression
logit Logit and Probit regression
listcase List values of individual cases
xtables Extended n-way crosstabulation program

Variable Generating Programs - Batch Commands

recode Recode variables into a new variable
compute Perform calculations to create a new variable

Interface with SAS, SPSS, Stata, and DDI

DDLtoX Convert DDL to SAS, SPSS, Stata, or DDI (XML) definitions
subset Generate a data file and metadata file for a subset of variables and/or cases
xconvert Convert SAS, SPSS, or Stata definitions into XML (DDI) or DDL
xconverte Examples of data definitions handled by XCONVERT
DDIreader Online service to convert DDI files to DDL
SDAtoXML Read an SDA dataset and create variable definitions in XML

SDA Report Generator -- SREPORT

sreport Basic documentation for the SREPORT program
sreport-b Batch commands for the SREPORT program
sreport-e Examples of SREPORT batch command files
sreport-f Summary of SREPORT functions and formats

CSM, UC Berkeley/ISA
September 14, 2020