GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile

List of Items in Alphabetical Order

cmprgmng how scientific is computer programming
cmpvirus does r know what a computer virus is
cntctfam how often r contacts their most-contacted extended family member
cntctfrd how often r contacts their most-contacted close friend
cntctgov contacted politician or civil servant to express view
cntctkid how often r contacts their most-contacted adult child
cntctpar how often r contacts their most-contacted parent
cntctsib how often r contacts their most-contacted sibling
cntrlife control r feels over own life
cobarate rate of ba degree earning at college partner attended
codeg partner's highest degree
coden partner's denomination
codipged partner diploma, ged, or other
coeduc highest year school completed, partner
coeftotlt total number of students enrolled at college partner attended
coevwork partner ever work as long as a year
cofund how fundamentalist is partner's current religion
cogradtounder ratio of graduate to undergraduate students at college partner attended
cohabfst people should live together before marriage
cohabit did r live with spouse before marriage
cohabok living together as an acceptable option
cohort year of birth
cohrs1 number of hours partner worked last week
cohrs2 no. of hours partner usually works a week
coind10 partner's industry code (2010)
coisco08 partner's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco code
cojail jail draft resister's?
cojew what sort of jew is r's partner currently
colaff chance blacks get to college ahead of whites
colaffy chance whites excluded from college over blacks
colath allow anti-religionist to teach
colcom should communist teacher be fired
colcomy should communist teacher be fired y
coldeg1 the highest degree r have earned
colhomo allow homosexual to teach
colmajr1 r major in college
colmajr2 r 2nd major in college
colmil allow militarist to teach
colmslm allow anti-american muslim clergymen teaching in college
colop should chances for college be changed?
color r's skin color
colrac allow racist to teach
colsci r has taken any college-level sci course
colscinm number of college-level sci courses r have taken
colsoc allow socialist to teach
comamind percentage american indian living in r's community
comasn percentage asian living in r's community
comblk percentage black living in r's community
comdata punishment damaging national security computer
comemail punishment emailing documents unauthorized per
comfort religion helps people to gain comfort in times of trouble and sorrow
comhisp percentage hispanic living in r's community
comjews percentage jews living in r's community
comknows people in community still know who had mental
commun feelings about communism
commun10 feelings about communism 10 yrs ago
commute travel time to work
comorsci antarctica should be reserved or open
company which company would r prefer to work for
compelse does r use computer somewhere else
compfin govt check personal financial records
compfri does r use computer at friends house
comphome does r have computer at home
complib does r use computer at library
comporn punishment for downloading porn at office
compoth does r use computer not at home or work
compperf size of perf based pay depend on profits
comprend r's understanding of questions
compschl does r use computer at school
compuse r use computer
compwage annual wages in previous year were higher than same jobs in other companies
compwork does r use computer at work
compwt Composite Weight
comsnoop punishment for snooping in a computer system
comsteal punishment stealing national security computer
comsys punishment for damaging a computer system
comtype type of community in which r lives
comwht percentage white living in r's community
comyear how long has r lived in city where r lives now
conage conflict between young and old
conarmy confidence in military
conarmyy military:version z
conbiz confidence in business and industry
conbus confidence in major companies
conbusy major companies:version z
conchurh confidence in churches and religious orgs
conclass working and middle classes in conflict?
conclerg confidence in organized religion
conclery organized religion:version z
concong confidence in us congress
concourt confidence in courts and legal system
condemnd r free from conflicting demands
condom used condom last time
condrift sci knowledge: the continents have been moving
coneduc confidence in education
coneducy education:version z
conf2f how many people r sees face to face
confed confid. in exec branch of fed govt
confedvac confidence in the federal government x
confedvacy confidence in the federal government y
confedy exec branch fed govt:version z
confinan confid in banks & financial institutions
confinay banks & financial institutions:ver z
congeth should ethnic congressmen represent ethnic groups
conghlp1 how much congregation help out with ill
conghlp2 how much congregation help out with prob
conghrm1 how often congregation make too much demand
conghrm2 how often congregation critical of things r do
congovt confidence in government departments
conimm conflict between natives and immigrants
coninc family income in constant dollars
conjobs employed and unemployed in conflict
conjudge confid. in united states supreme court
conjudgy united states supreme court:version z
conlabor confidence in organized labor
conlaboy organized labor:version z
conlegis confidence in congress
conlegiy congress:version z
conmedic confidence in medicine
conmediy medicine:version z
conoffcl have ever contacted an elected official
conpharvac confidence in pharmaceutical companies x
conpharvacy confidence in pharmaceutical companies y
conpress confidence in press
conpresy press:version z
conrinc respondent income in constant dollars
conrock like or dislike contemporary rock music
conschls confidence in schools and educ system
consci confidence in scientific community
consciy scientific community:version z
consent participation/recording consent
consider considerate of others
considey considerate of others-version y
considez considerate of others-version z
consoc conflict between social top and bottom
contact web make r contact elected official
contblk have blacks positive contribution to country
contchn have chinese positive contribution to country
contcuba have cubans positive contribution to country
contemp feeling thermometer:conservatives
conteng have english positive contribution to country
contentd felt contented?
contirsh have irish positive contribution to country
contitl have italians positive contribution to country
contjew have jews positive contribution to country
contjpn have japanese positive contribution to country
contmex have mexicans positive contribution to country
contmslm have muslims positive contribution to country
contpoor how often r has contact with poor people
contpr have puerto ricans positive contribution to country
contrich how often r has contact with rich people
control self-control
controly self-control-version y
controlz self-control-version z
contv confidence in television
contvn have vietnamese positive contribution to country
contvy television:version z
conunion workers and management in conflict?
conurban farmer's and city people in conflict?
convictd convicted of crime ever
conwkday number of people r contacts with on a typical weekday
conwlth conflict between poor and rich in usa?
coocc10 partner's census occupation code (2010)
cook30 r use cooking site in past 30 days
cooking1 who in household prepares the meals
coop r's attitude toward interview
coop2 r's attitude toward interview
coother other protestant denominations
cope1 think about life is part of larger force
cope2 work together with god as partner's
cope3 look to god for strength & support
cope4 feel god is punishing for sin
cope5 wonder whether god has abandoned me
cope6 try to make sense without relying on god
copres10 partner's occupational prestige score (2010)
copres105plus partner's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)
copunish punish draft resister's?
corel partner's religious preference
corrupt must be corrupt to get to top in america
corrupt1 opinion of corruption by politician
corrupt2 opinion of corruption by government administrators
corruptn how widespread corruption is in pub service in america
cosector type of college partner attended
cosei10 partner's socioeconomic index (2010)
cosei10educ percentage of some college educ in coocc10 based on acs 2010
cosei10inc percentage of $45k+ earners in coocc10 based on acs 2010
counsel1 leader1 was r's counselor
counsel2 leader2 was r's counselor
counsel3 leader3 was r's counselor
country like or dislike country western music
courts courts dealing with criminals
courtsnv courts dealing with criminals (no volunteered response on web)
courtsv courts dealing with criminals (with volunteered response on web)
courtsy courts dealing with criminals-version y
cousins how often does r contact cousin
cowork1 person #1 is r's coworker
cowork2 person #2 is r's coworker
cowork3 person #3 is r's coworker
cowork4 person #4 is r's coworker
cowork5 person #5 is r's coworker
cowrkers quality of rels among workers: r's firm
cowrkfrd number of close friends at work place
cowrkhlp coworkers can be relied on when r needs help
cowrkhrd how hard to say how people work at workplace
cowrkint coworkers take a personal interest in r
cowrkrel relations between coworkers
cowrkslf partner self-emp. or works for somebody else
cowrksta partner's labor force status
crack30 r last use crack cocaine
creation view about origin and development of man
creator image of god as creator
crelesse emotion work less carefully past 4 wks
crimdown what if more restrictions reduce crime
crimfirm how firm is r's opinion on crime issue
crimhold should police detain a known criminal?
crimimp importance of crime issue to r
criminfo how much info does r have on crime issue
crimlose people convicted of serious crimes lose citizen rights
crimread should police open mail of a criminal?
crimtail should police tail a known criminal?
crimtap should police tap phone of a criminal?
crimup what if more restrictions increase crime
crtrheal contrast between creator and healer
cshutyp06 during march-may 2006, was r resident in household or institution
cshutyp08 during april-june 2008, was r resident in household or institution
cshutyp10 during april-june 2010, was r resident in household or institution
cshutyp12 during april-june 2012, was r resident in household or institution
curempyr how many yrs r worked for current employer
cussup r called software company
cutahead r allowed a stranger to go ahead of you in line
cutdebt should the government cut debt?
cutgovt cuts in govt spending
cuthours reduction in length of work week
cutspdfg cut govt spending--govt position
cutspdr cut govt spending--r's position
daily what is your daily wage before tax
dailywrk how r's daily work is organized
dance attended dance perf in lst yr
danger how often does r work in dangerous conds
dangoth1 how dangerous r thinks person 1 is to others
dangoth2 how dangerous r thinks person 2 is to others
dangoth3 how dangerous r thinks person 3 is to others
dangoth4 how dangerous r thinks person 4 is to others
dangoth5 how dangerous r thinks person 5 is to others
dangroth x should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment if dangerous to others
dangrslf x should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment if dangerous to x
dangslf1 how dangerous r thinks person 1 is to themself
dangslf2 how dangerous r thinks person 2 is to themself
dangslf3 how dangerous r thinks person 3 is to themself
dangslf4 how dangerous r thinks person 4 is to themself
dangslf5 how dangerous r thinks person 5 is to themself
databank computer data threat to individual privacy
datefrst month and yr began first job
dateintv date of interview
datesch date schooling completed
daucall contact with daughter
daunum number of adult daughter's
dautime travel time to daughter
dauvisit how often visit with daughter
daycare1 public daycare center ok for kid < 3 yrs?
daycare2 private daycare center ok for kid < 3 yrs?
daycare3 babysitter ok for kid < 3 yrs?
daycare4 friend or neighbor ok for kid < 3 yrs?
daycare5 relative ok for kid < 3yrs?
daynight when did most errors occur
dclindus govt should support declining industries to protect jobs
death r's possible vital status as of 2014
death16 relatives died since age 16
death5 relatives died in last 5 yrs
deathpen murderers should get death penalty
decauto deciding whether or not to buy an automobile
decbed deciding whether or not to buy bedroom furniture
decbible importance of bible in making decisions
decchurh imp of church teachings to make decision
decevidc when i make important decisions in my life, i rely mostly on reason and evidence
decgift deciding on major charitable gifts.
decidwrk how are your working hours decided
deckids who makes decision about how to bring up children
decmoney how able is x to decide managing own money
decoths imp. of family & friends to make decisions
decself imp of personal judgment to make decision
decsorgs america should follow decision of intl org
dectreat how able is x to decide receive treatment
defpensn r has defined benefit pension plan
defspdfg defense spending--govt position
defspdr defense spending--r's position
defund move funds for police to social service
defwrkev ever work for military supplier?
defwrknw currently work for military supplier?
degree r's highest degree
dejavu thought one was someplace before
dem10fut how well will democracy work in america in ten yrs
dem10pst how well did democracy work in america ten yrs ago
demands r feels that family make too many demands on r
demrghts democratic rghts shouldn't be restricted by govt
demtoday how well democracy work in america
demworks how well the system of democracy in america works?
denkid if protestant, denomination r raised in
denom specific denomination
denom16 denomination in which r was raised
denomsch denomination of school children attended
densp if protestant, r's spouse's denomination
denyrais denied raise without reason at work
depndabl r is a dependable person
depress told have depression
deptperf size of perf based pay depend on workgroup
devil belief in the devil
diabetes told have diabetes
diagnosd r ever diagnosed with mh problem
didlesse emotion prevent desired activities past 4 wks
didlessp health prevent doing desired activities past 4
diffcare r had difficulty getting specialty care
difrace1 why observation disagrees self id
difrace2 why observation disagrees self id
difrace3 why observation disagrees self id
difrel people belonging to different religions cannot get along with each other when li
difstand some ppl hold standard in workplace that others don?
dinefrds how often r went out to eat or drink with at least 3 non-family members
dinner who in household plans meals
dipged diploma, ged, or other
directns r has given directions to a stranger
disabld1 r has a hearing problem
disabld2 r has a vision problem
disabld3 r has a physical disability
disabld4 r has other physical disability
disabld5 r has emotional or mental disability
disabld6 r has difficulty in learning remembering or concentrating
disabld7 r has difficulty in daily activities
discaff whites hurt by aff. action
discaffm a man won't get a job or promotion
discaffw a woman won't get a job or promotion
discaffwnv a woman won't get a job or promotion (no volunteered response on web)
discaffwv a woman won't get a job or promotion (with volunteered response on web)
discaffy chance blacks promoted ahead of whites
discipln situation caused by lacking discipline in the
discpol how often r discuss politics
discwhy1 personally experienced it
discwhy2 happened to someone close
discwhy3 happened at work
discwhy4 heard about it in media
discwhy5 heard about it elsewhere
discwhy6 other sources
discwk5 discrimination at work in past 5 yrs
disrspct r is treated with less courtesy or respect than others
divbest divorce as best solution to marital problems
divhubby husb better if bad marrge ended by div
divifkd1 should feuding parents stay together for kids
divifkid how easy should divorce be if kids
divkids kids better if bad marrge ended by div
divlaw divorce laws
divlawnv divorce laws (no volunteered response on web)
divlawv divorce laws (with volunteered response on web)
divlawy divorce laws-version y
divnokd1 childless couples stay married even with problems
divnokid how easy should divorce be for kidless
divnow how easy is it to get a divorce today
divorce ever been divorced or separated
divorce5 divorced in last 5 yrs
divrel1 relatives divorced in last year
divrel4 relatives divorced between 5 & 1 yrs ago
divwife wife better if bad marrge ended by div
dk don't know response to pay items
doc1 doctors aren't as thorough as should be
doc10 doctors recommend surgery if no other way
doc11 doctors willing to refer me a specialist
doc12 doctors unable to tell me all the options
doc13 doctors deny me the treatment needed
doc14 doctors put cost consideration above care
doc15 doctor not really care me as a person
doc15a doctor not really care me as a person
doc16 doctors judgment trusted
doc16a doctors judgment trusted
doc17 doctor does not do everything should for me
doc18 doctor put medical needs above all other
doc18a doctor put medical needs above all other
doc19 doctor a real expert in taking care problem
doc19a doctor a real expert in taking care problem
doc2 doctors do best to prevent worrying
doc20 doctor tell me if a mistake was made
doc20a doctor tell me if a mistake was made
doc3 doctors sometimes take unnecessary risks
doc4 doctors are careful to check everything
doc5 doctors treat patients with respect
doc6 i hardly see the same doctors each time
doc7 doctors avoid unnecessary patient expenses
doc8 doctors cause worry because don't explain
doc9 doctors ignore old problems care new ones
docaskme r prefers doc ask opinion
doccosts how r trust doc put health above costs
docdecid r leaves decisions up to doctor
docinfo doctor provided enough info
doclist use a directory list for health care plan
docnomri r agree with doc decision to not order mri
docrely r relies on doctors knowledge
docsat how satisfied r with office visit
docsui ask for physician-assisted suicide
docswtch would r switch physicians
docvig vignette about the doctor
dofirst here are the things you said {#secl_name} should do... interviewer: read list
dog dog
dogb4 dog
doingdys how long spent on learning by doing
doingfin have completed this on-the-job training
doingtrn include informal learning by doing
done911a has r developed emergency plans
done911b has r stockpiled supplies
done911c has r purchased things to make them safer
done911d has r learned where to get more info about terrorism
done911e has r duplicated important documents
done911f has r reduced air travel
done911g has r reduced travel by train
done911h has r reduced use of public transportation
done911i has r changed mail handling procedures
done911j has r become vigilant of what is going on around r
done911k has r avoided travel to certain cities
done911l has r avoided tall buildings
done911m has r avoided national landmarks
done911n has r done anything else to deal with terrorism
doneelse specify what it is r has done
donothng how likely to do nothing if coworker not working
doonown has r figured out problems with software on own
doself r figured out problems with web on own
dosports played sports in lst yr
dotdata d.o.t. code - relation to data
dotged d.o.t. code - general educ develop.
dotpeop d.o.t. code - relation to people
dotpres temme prestige scale
dotsvp d.o.t. code - specific vocat. prep
dotthng d.o.t. code - relation to things
doubts1 has evil in the world caused r doubt
doubts2 has personal suffering caused r doubt
doubts3 has science-faith conflict caused doubt
doubts4 has feeling of meaninglessness caused doubt
dowell importance of performance to pay
down1 help for depression #1
down1a who does r turn to first for help when depressed
down2 help for depression #2
down2a who does r turn to second for help when depressed
downblue felt down and blue in past 4 wks
downcure treatment for downheartedness cure condition
downfam treatment for downheartedness improve family
downfeel treatment for downheartedness improve feelings
download does r know how to download files from www
downqol treatment for downheartedness improve quality of life
downrely treatment for downheartedness rely less on
draft return to the draft?
draftco conscientious objector exempt from draft
draftcol college students exempt from draft?
draftdef defense occupations exempt from draft?
draftem if emergency, return to draft?
draftfe if return to draft, draft women?
draftfem if emergency, draft women also?
draftgay gays exempt from draft?
draftmar married persons exempt from draft?
draftpar parents of small chldrn exempt frm draft
drama went to a live drama
drctlink how often r links from homepage
drink ever drink alcoholic beverages?
drink1 how often at least 1 but less than 3 drinks
drink12 how often at least 12 but less than 20 drinks
drink3 how often at least 3 but less than 5 drinks
drink5 how often at least 5 but less than 8 drinks
drink6up how often r has 6 or more drinks in a day
drink8 how often at least 8 but less than 12 drinks
drinkday how many drinks r have on a day when drinking
drinkmax largest number of drinks in a day last 12 months
drinkmin how often at least a sip but less than one full drink
drinkyr how regularly r drink over last 12 months
drivless drive less for envir reasons
drugtest before got the job took a drug and alcohol test
drunk ever drink too much?
dwelcity dwelling compared to others in city
dwell5 in last 5 yrs, r has been prevented from moving bc landlord believed r was gay/l
dwelling type of structure
dwellpre type of structure in which the respondent lives
dwelngh dwelling compared to others in nbrhd
dwelown does r own or rent home?
dwelown16 did rs family own or rent home when r was age 16
earndes r deserves earnings
earnmore who earns more money?
earnrs how many in family earned money
earnshh hubby or wife earns more dollars
earnsmor hubby or wife earns more $
earthsun sci knowledge: the earth goes around the sun
easyget how difficult was case to get
eatgm r's view about eating genetically modified foods
eatmeat in a typical week, on how many days do you eat beef, lamb, or products that cont
eatout last week had a meal at a restaurant
ecoagree agreement by economists on effect of reducing fed inc tax
ecobsttx best policy vs narrow interest on fed inc tax: economist
ecoinftx influence on reducing fed inc taxby economists
ecomhrh hours per week use computer household management
ecomhro hours per week using other computer hsehld mngm
ecomhrw hours per week using work computer hsehld mngmn
ecomminh minutes per week use computer household management
ecommino minutes per week using other computer hsehld mn
ecomminw minutes per week using work computer hsehld mng
econ12 past 12 months r web to learn economy
econfutr predictions for national economy in next year
econgrn economic progress dependent on environment
econpast has national economy improved last year
econsci how scientific: economics
econsup main source of economic support
econsup1 main source of economic support
econsys best-needs replaced
edcskill how important school in developing skills
eddone young should complete formal schooling
eddone1 aged should complete formal schooling
educ highest year of school completed
educ1 education level of person #1
educ2 education level of person #2
educ3 education level of person #3
educ30 r use education site in past 30 days
educ4 education level of person #4
educ5 education level of person #5
educemp importance of educ & qualif. to pay
educop equal opportunity to obtain education?
eff911a how effective r thinks developing emergency plans
eff911b how effective r thinks stockpiling supplies
eff911c how effective r thinks purchasing things to make them safer
eff911d how effective r thinks learning where to get info about terrorism
eff911e how effective r thinks duplicating important documents
eff911f how effective r thinks reducing air travel
eff911g how effective r thinks reducing travel by train
eff911h how effective r thinks reducing use of public transportation
eff911i how effective r thinks changing mail handling procedures
eff911j how effective r thinks becoming vigilant
eff911k how effective r thinks avoiding travel to certain cities
eff911l how effective r thinks avoiding tall buildings
eff911m how effective r thinks avoiding national landmarks
eff911n how effective r thinks that is
effctsup supervisor effective solve work/personal conflicts
effort in past 30 days feel everything thing effort
egomeans life meaningful only if you provide meaning
egypt liking for egypt
eharaswk harassed electronically at work
eldcost who should pay for help for elderly
eldersup adult children are imp to help elderly parents
eldhelp who should provide help for elderly
elecfair how fair last natl election: opprtunities of candidate
electron sci knowledge: electrons are smaller than atoms
elecvote how honest last natl election: counting of votes
emailhme govt audit email and internet at home
emailhr email hours per week
emaillnk how often does r link in an email from friend
emailmin email minutes per week
emailwrk govt audit email and internet at work
emailyr when r first began using email
embarrss felt embarrassed about something?
emchurch r send or receive to or from church members
emfamloc r send or receive to or from family members at
emfamoth r send or receive to or from other family members
emfri r send or receive to or from friends
emget how many email messages received per day
emgetp how many personal messages received per day
emgroups r send or receive to or from group members
emhrh hours per week use computer email
emhro hours per week using other computer email
emhrw hours per week using work computer email
emminh minutes per week use computer email
emmino minutes per week using other computer email
emminw minutes per week using work computer email
emonitor civil liberties - monitor emails
emoprobs in the past 7 days, how often r has been bothered by emotional problems
emotcure treatment for emotion cure condition
emoteoth man and woman emotionally dependent-independent
emotfam treatment for emotion improve family relations
emotfeel treatment for emotion improve feeling about
emotqol treatment for emotion improve quality of li
emotrely treatment for emotion rely less on others
empathy1 r have tender feeling for people less fortunate
empathy2 r does not feel very sorry for people having pro
empathy3 r feels protective towards people taken advantage
empathy4 others misfortunes do not disturb r
empathy5 r does not feel pity for someone treated unfair
empathy6 r often quite touched by things
empathy7 r describes oneself as a soft-hearted person
emphlth do you receive health insurance from employer
emphlth1 current employer offer health care insurance to r as employee
emphlth2 employers coverage
emphplan name of insurance or hmo
empinput r involved in any task force for decision-making
employer does r employ others
empself does r prefer self-employment or not ?
emptrain received formal training from employer
empyears years worked for your present employer
emsent how many email messages sent per day
emsentp how many personal email messages sent per day
emwrkawy r send or receive to or from business contacts
emwrkloc r send or receive to or from coworkers
endsme12 during the next 12 months, how difficult r's household to make ends meet
endsmeet how difficult or easy is it for r's household to make ends meet
energy have a lot of energy in past 4 wks
engagrnk engineers agree nuclear power
engballt attitude toward printing ballots only in english
engbrng being engineer boring
engbstnk nuclear engineers best for country
engbtr engineers want to make life better for avg person
engda happy if daughter engineer
engdgr engineering work dangerous
engdo know what engineers do
engearn engineers earn less
engfun engineers don? have fun
enggood engineers work for good of humanity
engint engineers only interested in work
england liking for england
english better if english is only language used in school
englone engineers usually work alone
engnring how scientific is engineering
engnrsci how scientific: engineering
engnuke nuclear engineers understand nuclear power
engodd engineers odd and peculiar
engoff1 english official language of u.s.
engoffcl favor law making english the official language
engprob engineers help solve prob
engrel engineers not religious
engresp consider work in engineer field
engson happy if son engineer
engteach opinion on teaching classes only in english
engthrtn english threatened by languages spoken by immig
engunite english unites all americans
engvote ballots should offered other languages than eng
enhinfnk nuclear engineers how much influence
enjoynat how much do you enjoy being outside in nature?
enprbfam problem effect family most
enprbus most important environment problem
entity entity mentions in religious change
enviro12 past 12 months r web to learn environment
eqclose r feels equally close to all persons
eqincome govt should redistribute wealth
eqtreat how important: govt treat everybody equally
equal1 everyone should look out for self
equal2 business profits benefit all
equal3 govt shld insure jobs and stable prices
equal4 responsibility of govt to meet needs
equal5 social welfare benefits are disincentive
equal6 one is able to live well in america
equal7 business profits are distributed fairly
equal8 social standing due to ability
equalize govts resp: reduce income differences
eqwlth should govt reduce income differences
eqwlthy govt reduce income differences-version y
era does r favor or oppose era?
erafirm how firm is r's opinion on era
eraimp importance of era issue
erainfo how much info does r have about era
erameans does r understand what era means
eraread has r heard or read about era
eratell does r favor or oppose era
erawhy1 1st reason favor-oppose era
erawhy2 2nd reason favor-oppose era
erawhy3 3rd reason favor-oppose era
erosion example of erosion
esop r is member of esop
esopnot would r rather work for a company with an esop or cash sharing
esp felt in touch with someone far away
eth1 1st mentioned country of origin
eth2 2nd mentioned country of origin
eth3 3rd mentioned country of origin
ethadapt minorities must adapt to american culture
ethchng ethnic change in 25 yrs good for country
ethclose how close feel to your ethnic or racial group?
ethdiff ethnic groups in us different
ethhist minority history adequately taught in school
ethid r american vs ethnic identity
ethid1 r primary identity as ethnic or american
ethignor us harmony by ignore ethnic differences
ethimp importance of ethnic group to r
ethissu1 degree r invokes primary identity as ethnic
ethissue degree r invokes ethnic identity
ethnic country of family origin
ethnofit eth minorities never fit in am mainstream
ethnum type of response about ethnicity:r
ethorgs do ethnic orgs promote separatism
ethsame individual of same ethnic group similar
ethspkno ban opinions harmful to other groups
ethspkok allow free speech offensive to ethnic groups
ethtrads society recognize right of ethnic traditions
evangclx is r born again or evangelical
evangcly is r evangelical christian
evbrkdwn ever felt going to have a nervous breakdown?
evbuyhme have you ever purchased a home
evcrack r ever use crack cocaine
evdiv has r ever been divorced
evdrink ever drank any alcoholic beverage
evdwell in life, r has ever been prevented from moving bc landlord believed r was gay/le
evharjb in life, r has ever been harassed on job bc r was believed to be gay/les/bi
evidu r ever inject drugs
evjob have you ever had a paid job for 1 year or+
evkid have ever given birth to/fathered a child
evlosejb in life, r has ever been denied a job or fired bc employers believed r was gay/l
evmhp ever had mental health problem
evnegjob in life, r ever been denied promo or recvd bad evaluation bc employr belivd r wa
evngelze important to encourage non-christians to accept jesus as savior
evolved sci knowledge: human beings developed from animals
evolved1 humans developed from earlier species: true or false
evolved2 elephants evolved from earlier species: true or false
evpaidsx ever have sex paid for or being paid since 18
evsmoke has r ever smoked
evstray have sex other than spouse while married
evunemp ever been unemployed two weeks +
evwork ever work as long as one year
excelart artistic excellence found in folk art
excited felt excited or interested in something?
excldimm america should exclude illegal immigrants
execrnk rank in society of chairmen
exjobsat satisfaction with past job
expchng1 cause of religious change1
expchng2 cause of religious change2
expchng3 cause of religious change3
expdesgn better way to test drug btw control and non-control
expernc importance of experience to pay
exploit other people take advantage of r if not careful
exptext why is it better to test drug this way
exptrain importance of different employer training for job
expunpop expression of unpopular ideas important for freedom
extinct effect of global warming: polar bear's become extinct
extr2001 did r receive perf based payment in 2001
extr2005 received performance based payment in 2005
extr2017 did r receive any performance-based incentives in 2017
extra1 other problems
extra2 other problems
extraern how much earned from additional jobs in past yr
extrapay eligible for performance based pay
extraval total dollar value of pay in previous year
extrawrk did you work multiple jobs in past yr
extrayr year of the most recent perf based payments
exweathr neighborhood affected by extreme weather over the last 12 months
ezines how familiar r is with term e-zines
facebook use facebook
failure mental treatment for child make parent feel like
fair people fair or try to take advantage
fair5 people fair or not
fairasns asians committed to fair and equal treatment o
fairblks blacks committed to fair and equal treatment of
fairdist how fair is the income distribution in america
fairearn how fair is what r earn on the job
fairhsps hispanics committed to fair and equal treatment
fairhwrk division of work unfair to you or spouse
fairjews jews committed to fair and equal treatment of a
fairnv people fair or try to take advantage (no volunteered response on web)
fairv people fair or try to take advantage (with volunteered resposne on web)
fairwhts whites committed to fair and equal treatment of
faith1 has death in family strengthened faith
faith2 has birth of child strengthened faith
faith3 has marriage strengthened faith
faith4 has sexual pleasure strengthened faith
famasns asians committed to strong families
fambiz what kind of business is this?
famblks blacks committed to strong families
fambudgt how couples monitor budget
famdif16 reason not living with parents
famfinan how you and your spouse organize your finances
famgen number of family generations in household
famhsps hispanics committed to strong families
family16 living with parents when 16 yrs old
family16y living with parents when 16 yrs old
famintjb how often r felt: demand of family life interfere with job
famjews jews committed to strong families
famlife how successful in family life
fammhneg r's family's negative attitudes about mh problems
famorjob would you sacrifice job opportunities for family
famper1 having serious trouble with spouse
famper2 separating from spouse or partner
famper3 breaking up with fianc?e)
famper4 having serious trouble with a child
famper5 having serious trouble with friend
famper6 divorced or separated
fampress do r family's members put pressure on r about the way r lives or organizes their
famresp importance of family resps. to pay
famrnk rank in society of r
famsuffr family life suffers if mom works f-t
famvswk how often fam life interfere job
famvswk1 how often difficult to conc at work because family resp
famvswrk difficult to concentrate wrk bc of fam responsibility
famwhts whites committed to strong families
famwkbst best way to org family work life with under school age child
famwklst wor'st way to org family work life with under school age child
famwkoff how hard to take time off
fareasns self supporting - live off welfare
fareblks self supporting - live off welfare
farehsps self supporting - live off welfare
farejews self supporting - live off welfare
fareso self supporting - live off welfare
farewhts self supporting - live off welfare
farming how scientific is farming
fatalism people can't change the course of their lives
father image of god as father
fatigue in the past 7 days, r's average fatigue
fbaccess permission to access r's facebook account
fe12 past 12 months r web to learn gender issues
fear afraid to walk at night in neighborhood
fearful felt fearful about something
fearhome does r feel safe and secure at home
febear can wife refuse to have children
febrass do women command over men
fecare r's concern about women's rights
fechld mother working doesn't hurt children
feclergy r favors women as ministers
fecolop college opportunities for women
fedirty are women assigned to dirty jobs
fedtrust how much does r trust federal government
feelasns how r feels towards asian americans
feelblks how r feels towards african americans
feelevel amount of fees paid
feelgod feel gods presence
feelhsps how r feels towards hispanics
feelrel how religious is r
feelwhts how r feel towards caucasians
feeused fee given to get case
fefam better for man to work, woman tend home
fefight are women assigned to combat
fefirm how firm is r's opinion on women's rghts
fegains best way for women to improve position
fegive has r given money to women's rights orgs
fehelp wife should help husbands career first
fehire should hire and promote women
fehlpbus govt should aid women seeking jobs
fehlpcol govt should aid women seeking higher ed
fehlpjob women should be given preference in jobs
fehlpmil do women raise effectiveness of military
fehome women take care of home not country
feimp importance of women's rights issue to r
feinc income for women vs. men with same bkgd
feinflu opinion of political influence of women
feinfo how much info r has on women's rgts
fejobaff for or against preferential hiring of women
fejobind job is best way for woman to be indep
fejobop job opportunities for women
fejoin ever joined org working on women's rgts
fekids1 how important women biologically better-suited
fekids2 how important women are taught from childhood
fekids3 how important the way society is set up
fekids4 how important men have more freedom
fekids5 how important it is god's will
feless1 how important men work harder explain
feless2 how important women's family responsibilities
feless3 how important give men better paying jobs
femarry way of life recommendation for woman
femilop fem opportunities better in military?
feminist think yourself as a feminist?
fenews how often pay attention to women issues
fenumok number of women in military
fepol women not suited for politics
fepolnv women not suited for politics (no volunteered response on web)
fepolv women not suited for politics (with volunteered response on web)
fepoly men or women better suited for politics
fepres vote for woman president
fepresch preschool kids suffer if mother works
fepriest r favors women as priests
ferespct how well local church respects women's rights
feserve mandatory conscription for females?
fethink how oft r & frnds think abt women's rgts
fewknokd women should work outside when no kids
fework should women work
feworkif married women work if jobs limited
fewrite r ever written official abt women's rgts
fewrksup do most women work to support family
fewtrsty there are only a few people r can trust completely
fidgety in past 30 days feel restless or fidgety
fightair women as jet fighter pilots
fightlnd women in hand-to-hand combat
fightsea women as crew member of combat ship
fileversion gss data file version
fin30 r use financial information site in past 30 day
finalter change in financial situation
finan1 going bankrupt
finan2 having a car etc. repossessed