GSS 1972-2021 Cumulative Datafile

Sequential Variable List

sexbirth1 r's sex assigned at birth (2021)
sexnow1 r's sex now (2021)
raceacs1 white
raceacs2 black
raceacs3 american indian or alaska native
raceacs4 asian indian
raceacs5 chinese
raceacs6 filipino
raceacs7 japanese
raceacs8 korean
raceacs9 vietnamese
raceacs10 other asian
raceacs11 native hawaiian
raceacs12 guamanian or chamorro
raceacs13 samoan
raceacs14 other pacific islander
raceacs15 some other race
raceacs16 hispanic
wrkgovt1 govt employee
wrkgovt2 private employee
Parent's Born in this Country
maborn was r's mother born in this country?
paborn was r's father born in this country?
Father/Mother Employment
pawrkslffam father owned family business or farm
mawrkslf2 mother employee, self-employed without employees, or self-employed with employee
mawrkslffam mother owned family business or farm
Government Policies
goveqinc1 govnmnt should fix income differences
immlimit amerca should limit immigration to protect way of life
Trust in Institutions
trresrch how much do you trust university research centers?
trmedia how much do you trust the news media?
trbusind how much do you trust business and industry?
trlegis how much do you trust the u.s. congress?
Climate Change
clmtcaus climate has been changing due to human activity
clmtwrld impact of climate change for world
clmtusa impact of climate change for america
Nature and Environment
naturdev accept a reduction in the size of protected nature areas in america
indusgen1 in general, do you think that air pollution caused by industry is…
chemgen1 pesticides danger to envir
watergen1 water pollution danger to envir
genegen1 how dangerous modifying genes in crops
nukegen1 nuke power danger to envir
enjoynat how much do you enjoy being outside in nature?
activnat outside leisure activity in the past 12 months
planetrp plane trip in the past 12 months
carhr car trip in the past 12 months
Eat Meat
eatmeat in a typical week, on how many days do you eat beef, lamb, or products that cont
Home and Neighborhood
numrooms number of rooms in home
airpollu neighborhood affected by air pollution over the last 12 months
wtrpollu neighborhood affected by water pollution over the last 12 months
exweathr neighborhood affected by extreme weather over the last 12 months
Income Inequality, Immigration and Class
opbribes need to give bribes to get ahead
mkt1 private companies should reduce inc differences
respineq who should have greatest responsibility for reducing inc differences
govineq1 politicians do not care about reducing inc differences
govineq2 us govt success in reducing inc differences
ineqmad feeling about differences in wealth
migrpoor people from poor countries should be allowed to work in wealthy countries.
conimm conflict between natives and immigrants
rank1 r's self ranking of social position (2021)
rank16 r's self ranking of family at age 16
rank10fut r's social rank 10 years later
fairdist how fair is the income distribution in america
contpoor how often r has contact with poor people
contrich how often r has contact with rich people
endsme12 during the next 12 months, how difficult r's household to make ends meet
skipmeal how often r's household skip a meal
class1 subjective class identification (2021)
ratepain1 in the past 7 days, r's average pain (2021)
norelgsp is r atheist or agnostic
evangclx is r born again or evangelical
evangcly is r evangelical christian
religimp how important is religion
relidimp how important is r's religion
relidesc how well r's religion describes r
relidwe how often r says 'we' when talking about r's religion
relidins to what extent r feels insulted if someone criticized r's religion
biblauth bible is highest authority
evngelze important to encourage non-christians to accept jesus as savior
sinsacri jesus' death on cross is only sacrifice that could remove penalty of r's sin
chrstsav only those who accept jesus as savior can achieve salvation
sprtconnct how often r felt connected to world around them
sprtlrgr how often r felt part of something larger than themselves
sprtpurp how often r felt a sense of larger meaning in life
mditate1 how often do you meditate?
grtwrks the great works of philosophy and science are the best source of truth, wisdom,
freemind to understand the world, we must free our minds from old traditions and beliefs
decevidc when i make important decisions in my life, i rely mostly on reason and evidence
advfmsci all of the greatest advances for humanity have come from science and technology
prochoic i consider myself pro-choice.
prolife i consider myself pro-life.
godusa the success of the us is part of god’s plan
govchrst the federal government should advocate christian values.
Business and Government Policies
buseqinc pay difference in companies
trdunio1 workers need strong trade unions to protect their interests
boardrep workers should be represented on the board of directors at major companies
upwages the government should ensure that the wages of low-paying jobs increase as the e
limitpay the government should take steps to limit the pay of executives at major compani
prftimpv allowing business to make good profits is the best way to improve everyone's sta
govfnanc govt should finance projects to create new jobs
dclindus govt should support declining industries to protect jobs
govfnaid govt should give financial assistance to college students from low-income famili
lgincdif large differences in income are necessary for america's prosperity
hivafraid afraid to be around a person with hiv
hivimmrl people with hiv have participated in immoral activities
hivdscrm there is a lot of discrimination against people with hiv
Sexual Partners
ptnrornt recent partner's sexual orientation
ptnrsxbrth recent partner's sex at birth
ptnrsxnow recent partner's sex now
Police and Race
poltrtblk police treats whites better than blacks
poltrtblky police treats blacks better than whites
poltrtb1 how much better do police treats whites than blacks?
poltrtb1y police treats whites better
poltrtb2 how much better do police treats blacks than whites?
poltrtb2y police treats blacks better
poltrthsp police treats whites better than latinos or latinos better than whites
poltrthspy police treats latinos better than whites or whites better than latinos
poltrtb3 how much better do police treats whites than latinos?
poltrtb3y police treats whites better
poltrtb4 how much better do police treats latinos than whites?
poltrtb4y police treats latinos better
defund move funds for police to social service
strvbias priority for criminal justice system
strvbiasy bigger priority for criminal justice system
racesurv17 how much, if at all, do you think the legacy of slavery affects the position of
Confidence in Pharmaceutical Companies
conpharvac confidence in pharmaceutical companies x
conpharvacy confidence in pharmaceutical companies y
Confidence in Federal Government
confedvac confidence in the federal government x
confedvacy confidence in the federal government y
Free Speech
spkathy allow anti-religionist to speak y
libathy allow anti-religionist to teach y
spkracy allow anti-religious book in library y
libracy allow racists book in library y
spkcomy allow communist to speak y
colcomy should communist teacher be fired y
libcomy allow communists book in library y
spkmily allow militarist to speak y
libmily allow militarists book in library y
spkhomoy allow homosexual to speak y
libhomoy allow homosexuals book in library y
spkmslmy allow muslim clergymen preaching hatred of the us y
libmslmy allow anti-american muslim clergymen's books in library y
polhitoky ever approve of police striking citizen y
polabusey citizen said vulgar or obscene things y
polattaky citizen attacking policeman with fists y
uswaryv expect u.s. in war within 10 years (with volunteered response on web)
prayerv bible prayer in public schools (with volunteered response on web)
courtsv courts dealing with criminals (with volunteered response on web)
discaffwv a woman won't get a job or promotion (with volunteered response on web)
racopenv vote on open housing law (with volunteered response on web)
getaheadv opinion of how people get ahead (with volunteered response on web)
divlawv divorce laws (with volunteered response on web)
helpfulv people helpful or looking out for selves (with volunteered response on web)
fairv people fair or try to take advantage (with volunteered resposne on web)
trustv can people be trusted (with volunteered response on web)
agedv should aged live with their children (with volunteered response on web)
grassv should marijuana be made legal (with volunteered response on web)
relitenv strength of affiliation (with volunteered response on web)
biblev feelings about the bible (with volunteered response on web)
postlifev belief in life after death (with volunteered response on web)
kidssolv r's kids living standard compared to r (with volunteered response on web)
uscitznv is r us citizen (with volunteered response on web)
fucitznv is r planning/appling for us citizenship or not (with volunteered response on we
fepolv women not suited for politics (with volunteered response on web)
scibnftsv benefits of sci research outweigh harmful results (with volunteered response on
uswarynv expect u.s. in war within 10 years (no volunteered response on web)
prayernv bible prayer in public schools (no volunteered response on web)
courtsnv courts dealing with criminals (no volunteered response on web)
discaffwnv a woman won't get a job or promotion (no volunteered response on web)
racopennv vote on open housing law (no volunteered response on web)
getaheadnv opinion of how people get ahead (no volunteered response on web)
divlawnv divorce laws (no volunteered response on web)
helpfulnv people helpful or looking out for selves (no volunteered response on web)
fairnv people fair or try to take advantage (no volunteered response on web)
trustnv can people be trusted (no volunteered response on web)
agednv should aged live with their children (no volunteered response on web)
grassnv should marijuana be made legal (no volunteered response on web)
relitennv strength of affiliation (no volunteered response on web)
biblenv feelings about the bible (no volunteered response on web)
postlifenv belief in life after death (no volunteered response on web)
kidssolnv r's kids living standard compared to r (no volunteered response on web)
uscitznnv is r us citizen (no volunteered response on web)
fucitznnv is r planning/appling for us citizenship or not (no volunteered response on web)
fepolnv women not suited for politics (no volunteered response on web)
scibnftsnv benefits of sci research outweigh harmful results (no volunteered response on we
abanyg abortion if woman wants for any reason (grid on web)
abdefectg strong chance of serious defect (grid on web)
abnomoreg married--wants no more children (grid on web)
abhlthg woman's health seriously endangered (grid on web)
abpoorg low income--cant afford more children (grid on web)
abrapeg pregnant as result of rape (grid on web)
absingleg not married (grid on web)
suicide1g suicide if incurable disease
suicide2g suicide if bankrupt
suicide3g suicide if dishonored family
suicide4g suicide if tired of living
inthisp is interviewer spanish, hispanic or latino
intrace1 interviewer s race1
intrace2 interviewer s race2
intrace3 interviewer s race3
spanself if this interview had only been available in english, would you...
spanint if no spanish, r could have been interviewed in english
spaneng interviews conducted in spanish or english
res2006 was r living in usa during march-may 2006
cshutyp06 during march-may 2006, was r resident in household or institution
cshutyp08 during april-june 2008, was r resident in household or institution
cshutyp10 during april-june 2010, was r resident in household or institution
res2012 was r living in usa during april-june 2012
cshutyp12 during april-june 2012, was r resident in household or institution
fileversion gss data file version
ballot ballot used for interview
version version of questionnaire
issp filter for issp cases
found case was retrievable in 2012
sampcode sampling error code
sample sampling frame and method
phase subsampling: two-phase design.
sdastrata SDA Stratum Variable for GSS
sdaclusters SDA Cluster Variable for GSS
vpsu variance primary sampling unit
vstrat variance stratum
compwt Composite Weight
wtssnrps person post-stratification weight, nonrespondents adjusted
wtssall weight variable
wtssnr weight variable
wtss weight variable
oversamp weights for black oversamples
formwt weight deal with experimental randomization
wtssps person post-stratification weight
Interviewer Characteristics and Misc
saqissp r did issp module
saqsex r did sex module
saqgene r did gene module for 2004
intid interviewer id
feeused fee given to get case
lngthinv how long was interview
intage age of interviewer
easyget how difficult was case to get
intethn race of interviewer
mode interview done in-person or over the phone
intsex sex of interviewer
feelevel amount of fees paid
intyrs years of service as an interviewer at norc
consent participation/recording consent
National Death Index (See NORC Codebook)
death r's possible vital status as of 2014