GSS 1972-2022 Cumulative Datafile - Release 2

Sequential Variable List

Gender Issues
fehome women take care of home not country
fework should women work
fepres vote for woman president
fepol women not suited for politics
fepoly men or women better suited for politics
feimp importance of women's rights issue to r
feinfo how much info r has on women's rgts
fefirm how firm is r's opinion on women's rghts
fecare r's concern about women's rights
fethink how oft r & frnds think abt women's rgts
fewrite r ever written official abt women's rgts
fegive has r given money to women's rights orgs
fejoin ever joined org working on women's rgts
abdefect strong chance of serious defect
abnomore married--wants no more children
abhlth woman's health seriously endangered
abpoor low income--cant afford more children
abrape pregnant as result of rape
absingle not married
abany abortion if woman wants for any reason
aborct heard supreme court decision on abortion
abpro1 1st argument for abortion
abpro2 2nd argument for abortion
abpro3 3rd argument for abortion
abcon1 1st argument against abortion
abcon2 2nd argument against abortion
abcon3 3rd argument against abortion
abimp importance of abortion issue to r
abinfo how much info does r have on abortion
abfirm how firm is r's opinion on abortion
abcare how concerned is r about abortion
Family Planning, Sex, and Contraception
chldidel ideal number of children
chldmore expect more children
chldnum how many children expected
chldsoon children expected in 5 years
pill birth control information
teenpill birth control information to teens
pilloky birth control to teenagers 14-16 (form 2)
pillok birth control to teenagers 14-16
sexeduc sex education in public schools
divlaw divorce laws
divlawy divorce laws-version y
spdue ever entitled to alimony or chld support
sppaid regularly received alimony - chld supprt
premarsx sex before marriage
teensex sex before marriage:teens 14-16
xmarsex sex with person other than spouse
homosex homosexual sex relations
homochng homosexuality: inherent or choice?
porninf materials provide info about sex
pornmorl materials lead to breakdown in morals
pornrape materials lead to rape
pornout materials provide outlet
pornlaw feelings about pornography laws
xmovie seen x-rated movie in last year
xmovie1 seen porn film (theater or vcr) last yr
pornimp importance of pornography issue to r
porninfo how much info does r have on porn issue
pornfirm how firm is r's opinion on porn issue
Child Discipline
spanking favor spanking to discipline child
letdie1 allow incurable patients to die
letdie1y allow incurable patients to die (form 2)
letdie2 let patients die if doctors agree
suicide1 suicide if incurable disease
suicide2 suicide if bankrupt
suicide3 suicide if dishonored family
suicide4 suicide if tired of living
strike picketing for labor strike
civright civil rights demonstration
antiwar anti-war demonstration
prowar pro-war demonstration
school school related demonstration
Violent Experiences
hit ever punched or beaten by another person
hitage beaten as child or adult
hitnum if beaten--how many times
gun ever threatened with gun or shot at
gunage threatened or shot at as child or adult
gunnum if threatened or shot at--how many times
hitok ever approve of man punching adult male
hitmarch stranger in protest march
hitdrunk drunk bumped into man & wife
hitchild stranger had hit mans child
hitbeatr stranger was beating up a woman
hitrobbr stranger had broken into mans house
polhitok ever approve of police striking citizen
polhitoy ever approve of police striking citizen (form 2)
polabuse citizen said vulgar or obscene things
polmurdr citizen questioned as murder suspect
polescap citizen attempting to escape custody
polattak citizen attacking policeman with fists
fear afraid to walk at night in neighborhood
fearhome does r feel safe and secure at home
burglr home broken into during the last year
robbry forcefully robbed during the last year
owngun have gun in home
pistol pistol or revolver in home
shotgun shotgun in home
rifle rifle in home
rowngun does gun belong to r
ticket ever received a traffic ticket
arrest ever picked up or charged by police
hunt does r or spouse hunt
huntothr does other household member hunt
Media Exposure
news how often does r read newspaper
tvhours hours per day watching tv
radiohrs hours per day listening to radio
phone does r have telephone
Interviewer Observations
coop2 r's attitude toward interview
coop r's attitude toward interview
comprend r's understanding of questions
Experimental Variables
form form of split questionnaire asked
abspno abortion if husband opposes
Abortion Part Two
abhave1 have abortion if probable defect
abhave2 have abortion if health endangered
abhave3 have abortion if couldn't afford child
ablegal should abortion ever be legal
Working Mothers
fechld mother working doesn't hurt children
fehelp wife should help husbands career first
fepresch preschool kids suffer if mother works
fefam better for man to work, woman tend home
Women's Rights
eraread has r heard or read about era
erameans does r understand what era means
era does r favor or oppose era?
eratell does r favor or oppose era
erawhy1 1st reason favor-oppose era
erawhy2 2nd reason favor-oppose era
erawhy3 3rd reason favor-oppose era
eraimp importance of era issue
erainfo how much info does r have about era
erafirm how firm is r's opinion on era
febear can wife refuse to have children
feworkif married women work if jobs limited
Race Part Two
racsubs favor attempts to integrate suburbs
racsubgv suburban govts encourage integration
racmarel what if relative married other race
racmarpr expect probs in interracial marriage
racsups expect probs if blacks supervise whites
racteach don't hire teachers against integration
racavoid avoid driving thru black neighborhood
racchng try to integrate social club
racquit quit if couldn't integrate club
racdif1 differences due to discrimination
racdif2 differences due to in-born learning ability
racdif3 differences due to lack of education
racdif4 differences due to lack of will
How Often Think About Topics
salfergt salience, women's rights
sallabor salience, labor leaders
salsatfn salience, financial satisfaction
salabort salience, abortion laws
salsci salience, scientific community
Recent Traumatic Events
divorce5 divorced in last 5 yrs
divrel1 relatives divorced in last year
divrel4 relatives divorced between 5 & 1 yrs ago
unemp5 unemployed in last 5 yrs
unrel1 relatives unemployed in last yr
unrel4 relatives unemp between 5 & 1 yrs ago
hosdis5 hospitalized, disabled last 5 yrs
hosrel1 rels hospitalized in last year
hosrel4 rels hospitalized betw 5 & 1 yrs ago
death5 relatives died in last 5 yrs
death16 relatives died since age 16
padeath death of father
madeath death of mother
chlddth death of child
sibdeath death of sibling
spdeath death of spouse
trauma1 trauma scale, last year
trauma5 trauma scale, last 5 years
trarel1 trauma of relatives, last year
trarel5 trauma of relatives, last 5 yrs
tratot1 trauma last year, self & relatives
tratot5 trauma last 5 yrs, self & relatives
Social Issues Scales
defspdr defense spending--r's position
defspdfg defense spending--govt position
hlpminr help minorities--r's position
hlpminfg help minorities--govt position
cutspdr cut govt spending--r's position
cutspdfg cut govt spending--govt position
Important Life Aspects
impfam family and children
impwork career and work
imprelax free time and relaxation
impfrend friends and acquaintances
impkin relatives
impchurh religion and church
imppol politics and public life
Personal Concerns
privacy is r concerned about privacy?
civic does r follow public affairs?
rushed how often r feels rushed
bored how often does r have extra time
pollgood do surveys serve good purpose
polltrue trust results of surveys
Income and Poverty
povline r's hh poverty status
incdef distance below poverty line
realinc family income in constant $
realrinc r's income in constant $
minfour imputed poverty line for family of four
minfood imputed wkly food spending for pov line fam of 4
minthree imputed poverty line for family of three
Welfare Issues
welfare1 welfare makes people work less
welfare2 helps people overcome difficult times
welfare3 encourages out-of-wedlock children
welfare4 preserves marriages in difficult times
welfare5 helps prevent hunger and starvation
welfare6 discourages pregnant girls from marrying
Government Secrecy
sectech should govt maintain secrecy over technology
secdocs does govt classify too many documents as secrets
rptcowrk report coworkers threatening secrecy of work
askfinan govt investigate workers finances for security
askcrime govt investigate workers crime records
askdrugs govt investigate workers illegal drug use
askmentl govt investigate workers mental health
askforgn govt investigate workers foreign family
askdrink govt investigate workers alcohol use
asksexor govt investigate workers sexual orientation
askfrbiz govt investigate foreign business contacts
askfrtrv govt investigate foreign travel
askcomp govt investigate use of computers
secprvcy govt favor secrecy over workers privacy?
secdiplo government maintain secrecy on diplomatic initiatives
secmilop government maintain secrecy on military operations
secterr government maintain secrecy on domestic terrorism
secbudgt government maintain secrecy on the intelligence budget
chkfinan government should verify financial assets
chkspfin government should verify spouse's financial assets
chktaxes government should verify tax records
knomentl gov should have the right to know
takearms punishment for stealing and selling weapons
leakinfo punishment for official leaking information
spyenemy punishment for selling secrets to hostile foreign gov
spyfrend punishment for selling secrets to friend foreign gov
taketrck punishment for stealing and selling truck parts
punarms punishment stealing and selling arms
punleak punishment leaking sensitive information
punenmy punishment selling info to foreign enemies
punfrnd punishment selling info to friendly countries
puntrck punishment stealing govt truck parts
comsteal punishment stealing national security computer
comdata punishment damaging national security computer
comsys punishment for damaging a computer system
comsnoop punishment for snooping in a computer system
comemail punishment emailing documents unauthorized per
comporn punishment for downloading porn at office
lietest people with secret should be subject to lie tests
testdrug people with secret should be subject to drug tests
bugging people with secret should be subject to wiretapping
finanqs people with secret should be subject to ques. of finan
chkonjob people with secret should be subject to monitoring
chkother people with secret should be subject to monitoring of
compfin govt check personal financial records
chktravl govt check international travel records
emailwrk govt audit email and internet at work
emailhme govt audit email and internet at home
tapwrk govt wire-tap work phone line
taphme govt wire-tap home phone line
srchwrk govt search briefcases and desks at work
camwrk govt camera surveillance at work
usspy u.s. spies foreign govts more threat 10 yrs ago
forspy foreign spies more threat 10 yrs ago
usterror terrorism by u.s. citizens more threat 10 yrs
frterror terrorism by foreigner's more threat 10 yrs ago
forsteal foreigner's stealing u.s. tech more threat 10 y
nuclrwar nuclear war more threat 10 yrs ago
National Service and the Military
feserve mandatory conscription for females?
meserve mandatory conscription for males?
taxserve favor conscription given taxes?
milqual quality of persons in military
milpay pay and benefits for military personnel
fenumok number of women in military
hinumok number of hispanics in military
blnumok number of blacks in military
hinumoky number hispanics in military-version y
blnumoky number of blacks in military-version y
milvolok how well has volunteer military worked?
Women in the Armed Forces
fightair women as jet fighter pilots
mechanic women as truck mechanic
nurse women as nurses in combat zone
typist women as typist in pentagon
brass women in command of military bases
fightlnd women in hand-to-hand combat
transair women as jet transport pilot
gunner women as air defense gunner in u.s.
fightsea women as crew member of combat ship
fefight are women assigned to combat
fedirty are women assigned to dirty jobs
febrass do women command over men
fehlpmil do women raise effectiveness of military
The Draft
draft return to the draft?
draftfe if return to draft, draft women?
draftem if emergency, return to draft?
draftfem if emergency, draft women also?
draftcol college students exempt from draft?
draftmar married persons exempt from draft?
draftpar parents of small chldrn exempt frm draft
draftgay gays exempt from draft?
draftco conscientious objector exempt from draft
draftdef defense occupations exempt from draft?
Assorted Military Issues
vetfam family members served in armed forces?
vetfamnw any family members in armed forces now
minmilop min opportunities better in military?
femilop fem opportunities better in military?
copunish punish draft resister's?
cojail jail draft resister's?
milokme military service good experience for men
milokfe mil service good experience for women
upgrade refuse vols with no basic skills?
jobtrain obligation to train for civilian jobs?
Likelyhood of Military Situations
nukewar possibility of an all-out atomic war
landwar possibility of a conventional ground war
morenuke possibility of increasing arms race
lessnuke possibility of reducing atomic weapons
nonuke possibility eliminating atomic weapons
guerilla possibility of guerilla wars
Military Related Employment
vetaid any in hh receive mil or vet benefits
defwrkev ever work for military supplier?
defwrknw currently work for military supplier?
milwrkev ever work for military or dod?
milwrknw currently work for military or dod?
resdefwk local economy depends on defense work?
Civic Obligations
obvote obligation--voting in elections
obvol obligation--community service
objury obligation--jury duty
ob911 obligation--reporting a crime
obeng obligation--being able to speak english
obknow obligation--keeping informed
obmepax obligation--peacetime mil service-men
obmewar obligation--wartime mil service-men
obfepax obligation--peacetime mil service-female
obfewar obligation--wartime mil service-female
Government Responsibility
helppoor should govt improve standard of living?
helpnot should govt do more or less?
helpsick should govt help pay for medical care?
helpblk should govt aid blacks?
Closeness of R to Place Living
popgrwth earth cannot support population growth
impgrn more important in life than save environment
othssame no saving environment unless others do same
grnexagg environmental threats exaggerated
genegen how dangerous modifying genes in crops
amprogrn american doing enough to protect environment
bizpeop business people do more for environment
govtbiz government do more for environment
peopgovt people do more for environment than govt
grnintl intl agreements for environment problems
ldcgrn poor countries less than rich for environment
econgrn economic progress dependent on environment
nukeacc likelihood of nuclear meltdown in 5 years
infobiz r trust business for pollution information
infogrn r trust environment groups for pollution information
infogovt r trust govt for pollution information
infonews r trust newspapers for pollution information
infotv r trust radio or tv for pollution information
infocol r trust universities for pollution information
clsenei how close do you feel to your neighborhood
clsetown how close do you feel to your town or city
clsestat how close do you feel to your state
clseusa how close do you feel to america
clsenoam how close do you feel to north america
movenei willing to move to another neighborhood
movetown willing to move to another town or city
movestat willing to move to another state
moveusa willing to move outside america
movenoam willing to move outside north america
What is an American
onenatn one nation or allowed to become fully separate?
ambornin how important to have been born in america
amcit how important to have american citizenship
amlived how important to have lived in america for life
amenglsh how important to be able to speak english
amchrstn how important to be a christian
amgovt how important to respect america's laws etc
amfeel how important to feel american
amcitizn agree i would rather be a citizen of america
amshamed agree there are things make me ashamed
belikeus agree better if people were more like americans
ambetter agree america is a better country
ifwrong agree people should support their country
amsports agree sports makes me proud to be an american
How Proud of America
prouddem how proud the way democracy works
proudpol how proud its political influence in the world
proudeco how proud america's economic achievements
proudsss how proud its social security system
proudsci how proud its scientific and tech achievements
proudspt how proud its achievements in sports
proudart how proud its achievements in the arts & lit.
proudmil how proud america's armed forces
proudhis how proud its history
proudgrp how proud its fair and equal treatment
Foreign Relations and Immigration
imports america should limit the import
wrldgovt international bodies should enforce environment
forlang american schools should teach foreign languages
amownway america should follow its own interests
forland foreigner's should not be allowed to buy land
amtv tv should give preference to american films
amcult it is impossible to become fully american
mincult ethnic minorities should be given gov assistance
meltpot1 better to maintain distinct cultures
immcrime immigrants increase crime rates
immameco immigrants good for america
immjobs immigrants take jobs away
immideas immigrants make america more open
letin1 number of immigrants to america nowadays should be
refugees refugees should be allowed to stay in america?
res161 where spend childhood until age 16?
livecom1 how long have you lived in the community?
abroad how long have you lived in other countries?
spkhome1 what language(s) do you speak at home?
spkhome2 what language(s) do you speak at home?
spklang1 what language(s) do you speak well?
spklang2 what language(s) do you speak well?
spklang3 what language(s) do you speak well?
citizen are you a citizen of america?
parcit were your parents citizens of america?
ethclose how close feel to your ethnic or racial group?
nafta1 how much heard or read about nafta?
nafta2 america benefits from being a member of nafta?
excldimm america should exclude illegal immigrants
Civil Rights
forbdcom forbid communist to speak
forbdrac forbid racist to speak
forbdmar forbids racial intermarriage
allowcom allow communist to speak
allowrac allow racist to speak
allowmar allow racial intermarriage
Homicide Victims
cideknew #people r knows murdered in last year
cidewho r's relationship to closest murderee
cidesex sex of murder victim closest to r
cideage age of murder victim closest to r
ciderace race of murder victim closest to r
cidereg region of murder victim closest to r
cidewho2 r's relationship to 2nd closest murderee
cidesex2 sex of murder victim 2nd closest to r
cideage2 age of murder victim 2nd closest to r
ciderac2 race of murder victim 2nd closest to r
cidereg2 region of murder victim 2nd closest to r
cidewho3 r's relationship to 3rd closest murderee
cidesex3 sex of murder victim 3rd closest to r
cideage3 age of murder victim 3rd closest to r
ciderac3 race of murder victim 3rd closest to r
cidereg3 region of murder victim 3rd closest to r
AIDS Victims
aidsknow #people r knows infected with aids
aidswho r's relationship to closest aids victim
aidsdead has aids victim closest to r died
aidssex sex of aids victim closest to r
aidsage age of aids victim closest to r
aidsrace race of aids victim closest to r
aidsreg region of aids victim closest to r
aidswho2 r's relation. to 2nd closest aids victim
aidsded2 has aids victim 2nd closest to r died
aidssex2 sex of aids victim 2nd closest to r
aidsage2 age of aids victim 2nd closest to r
aidsrac2 race of aids victim 2nd closest to r
aidsreg2 region of aids victim 2nd closest to r
aidswho3 r's relat. to 3rd closest aids victim to r
aidsded3 has aids victim 3rd closest to r died
aidssex3 sex of aids victim 3rd closest to r
aidsage3 age of aids victim 3rd closest to r
aidsrac3 race of aids victim 3rd closest to r
aidsreg3 region of aids victim 3rd closest to r
Suicide Victims
suiknew #people r knows suicide in last year
suiwho r's relationship to closest suicide
suisex sex of suicide victim closest to r
suiage age of suicide victim closest to r
suirace race of suicide victim closest to r
suireg region of suicide victim closest to r
suiwho2 r's relationship to 2nd closest suicide
suisex2 sex of suicide victim 2nd closest to r
suiage2 age of suicide victim 2nd closest to r
suirac2 race of suicide victim 2nd closest to r
suireg2 region of suicide victim 2nd closest to r
suiwho3 r's relationship to 3rd closest suicide
suisex3 sex of suicidevictim 3rd closest to r
suiage3 age of suicide victim 3rd closest to r
suirac3 race of suicide victim 3rd closest to r
suireg3 region of suicide victim 3rd closest to r
Anti AIDS-Spread Measures
aidssch prohibit aids-students at public schools
aidsads have govt info pgm on safe sex practices
aidsinsr allow insurer's to test applicant for aids
aidshlth have govt pay for all aids health care
aidsmar have testing for aids before marriage
aidssxed public schools teach safe sex practices
aidsids require aids victims to wear id tags
aidsfare pay aids victims disability benefits
Sexual Partners and Behavior
partners how many sex partner's r had in last year
matesex was 1 of r's partner's spouse or regular
frndsex r had sex with friend last year
acqntsex r had sex with acquaintance last year
pikupsex r had sex with casual date last year
paidsex r had sex for pay last year
othersex r had sex with some other last year
sexsex sex of sex partner's in last year
sexfreq frequency of sex during last year
sexfreq1 had sex in last month
sexfreq2 number of times, sex last month
numwomen number of female sex partner's since 18
nummen number of male sex partner's since 18
partopen number of sex partner's last year
partopn5 number of sex partner's last 5 years
partnrs5 how many sex partner's r had in last 5 years
sexsex5 sex of sex partner's last five years
evpaidsx ever have sex paid for or being paid since 18
evstray have sex other than spouse while married
condom used condom last time
relatsex relation to last sex partner
Genetic Screening
evidu r ever inject drugs
idu30 r inject drugs in past 30 days
evcrack r ever use crack cocaine
crack30 r last use crack cocaine
HIV Test
hivtest have you ever been tested for hiv
hivtest1 in what month and year was your last hiv test
hivtest2 where did you have your last hiv test
sexornt sexual orientation
siborder birth order
genetest know about genetic testing
genetst1 know about genetic testing
genegood genetic testing good or harm
genegoo1 genetic testing good or harm
genegoo2 genetic testing good or harm
geneself would genetically test fetus
geneabrt abort defective fetus
genedef1 meaning of serious genetic defect
genedef2 meaning of serious genetic defect
genedef3 meaning of serious genetic defect
parhardr being parent now harder
parworse parents doing worse than before
parrght parents unsure what is right
parwhere parents don't know where kids are
parfin hard for parents to make ends meet
pargovt govt too involved in family life
partime parents don't spend time with kids
parwork if parents work, kids get in trouble
partaxes taxes reduce childbearing
Adult Roles in Children's Lives
rolema role of mothers with kids
rolepa role of father's with kids
rolegp role of grandparents with kids
roleccp role of childcare provdrs with kids
roletchr role of teachers with kids
roleclrg role of clergy with kids
Change in Children's Quality of Life
chldeduc education improving?
chldlove love improving?
chldsafe neighborhood safety improving?
chldmorl moral-religious training improving?
chldsup supervision improving?
chldhome housing improving?
chldhlth health care improving?
chldskls acquiring job skills improving?
chldtime time with kids improving?
Influences on Children
inffilms influence of movies
infpubtv influence of children's programs on public tv
infnettv influence of programs on network tv
infadstv influence of tv ads
infmusic influence of rock & roll
Government Social Spending
sppregnt spending for prenatal care
sphlthkd spending for health care
spheadst spending for head start
sppoorkd spending for childcare for poor
spwrkpar spending for childcare for wrker's
sphomekd spending for housing
spdsabkd spending for disabled kids
spdrugs spending for drug treatment
spfoodkd spending for food, etc.
sppill spending for birth control